"Blue Danube" River Project
Colegiul National Barbu Stirbei
Empathy is the one greatly needed quality if we are going to survive and flourish in the 21st century. By designing and developing project activities the students show increased empathy and they are more open to educational assimilation, to dialogue, they develop critical thinking, constructive ideas. They are "building" their own knowledge by testing ideas and approaches based on their prior knowledge and experience, applying these to a new situation, and integrating the newly gained knowledge with pre-existing intellectual constructs.
The main aim of the learning activities in our project involves cooperation, team work so that negotiation and knowledge testing can occur.
Today students need an additional set of new critical skills such as collaboration, communication, creativity, and skillful citizenship. But the demands of our modern age require these skills to be carefully and effectively taught. Again, project based learning is an effective and efficient means for learning these types of essential skills.
When project based learning is expanded to the community, it can take all the benefits of experiential learning and create an excellent opportunity for students to become deeply knowledgeable. Experts can step into the school to share their knowledge, and community business leaders and officials can provide internships that are incomparable learning experiences.
Take the Pledge
I promise to turn off the water while brush my theth.
Anca Albu
I promise to turn off the tv before I go to sleep.
Bianca Marin
I promise not to leave the PC in stand-by ever again.
Giorgiana Tudore
I promise not to turn on the lights during the day.
Simona Brandusoi
I promise not to throw waste on the streets.
Cristina Pana
I promise to plant a tree !
Daniela Scurtu
I promise to walk and ride the bicicle more often.
Andreea Bica
I promise to recicle paper !
Antonio Apostol
I promise to sort my waste.
Alexandru Moroianu
I promise not to throw my garbage on the beach.
Ionut Timcea
I promise to play less on the computer to cut on the electrical bill.
Jean Madalin Radu